تستهای کنکوری زبان انگلیسی عمومی با پاسخ تشریحی

Once upon a time in a beautiful mountain inn, there was a greedy old innkeeper who was

always thinking about money.

One day a rich man stopped at the inn. The innkeeper looked at the guest’s fat money belt

and she thought, “Oh if only all that money could be mine!” The rich man requested the most

expensive room at the inn, and he went up to his room to dress for dinner.

Now all around the inn there grew beautiful Japanese ginger plants. Many people say that

eating buds of ginger makes a person forgetful. This gave the innkeeper an idea.

“This evening for dinner I’ll serve ginger bud tempura! ˮ she thought. “Then when the rich

man leaves in the morning he’ll be forgetful and leave his money belt behind!” She ran into the

kitchen and started cooking up the most delicious ginger bud tempura she had ever made.

Soon, the rich man went down the stairs and requested dinner. The innkeeper could hardly

contain her delight as she served him dish after dish of ginger buds. “Delicious!” said the rich

man. When dinner was finished he went to bed happy and full of ginger buds.

In the morning the innkeeper saw the rich man off at the front door. As soon as he was out

of sight, she raced up to his room. She looked all over the room for the money belt, but she

couldn’t find it. Suddenly, she noticed a piece of paper on the floor. It was the rich man’s bill.

He had forgotten to pay it! She ran down the stairs, out the front door, and up the road until she

was out of breath but the rich man was already far, far away.

۱- According to the passage, the writer wants to teach us that ———- .

۱) if we ever stay at a country hotel, we must be careful about our money

۲) innkeepers are always thinking about money

۳) if we try to take things which belong to others it maybe a foolish thing

۴) we should never stay at a hotel that serves ginger buds


۲- The story of The Greedy Innkeeper ———— .

۱) is probably true but has been changed a little

۲) is only a story for adults

۳) probably happened a long time ago

۴) is probably just a story and never happened


۳- After the rich man left the inn he was probably ———- .

۱) very angry at the inn-keeper

۲) not aware that anything had happened

۳) feeling lucky that he did not lose his money

۴) thinking how the innkeeper would be sad


۴-  The piece of paper on the floor was ——— .

۱) a piece of writing paper

۲) a note from the rich man

۳) a bill for the room at the inn

۴) a page of paper for phone-numbers




۱- گزینه ۳ درست است.

طبق متن نویسنده می خواهد به ما بیاموزد که ———-.

۱( اگر ما در یک هتل در حومه شهر اقامت کنیم باید مراقب پولمان باشیم

۲( مهمانخانه داران همواره به پول می اندیشند

۳( اگر تلاش کنیم اشیائی را که متعلق به دیگران است برداریم، ممکن است کار احمقانه ای باشد

۴( هرگز نباید در مهمان خانه ایکه غذای جوانه زنجبیلی سرو می کند اقامت کنیم


۲-  گزینه ۴ درست است.

داستان مهمان خانه دار حریص ———-.

۱( احتمال می رود واقعی باشد لیکن یک کمی تغییر پیدا کرده است

۲( فقط یک قصه برای بزرگسالان است

۳( احتمالاً مدت ها قبل اتفاق افتاده است

۴( احتمالاً فقط یک داستان است و هرگز اتفاق نیفتاده است


۳-  گزینه ۲ درست است.

بعد از اینکه مرد ثروتمند از مهمان خانه رفت احتمالاً ———-.

۱( از دست مهمان خانه دار خیلی عصبانی بود

۲( آگاه نبودکه اتفاقی افتاده است

۳( خوشحال بود که پولش را از دست نداده است

۴( فکر می کرد که مهمان خانه دار غمگین و افسرده خواهد شد


۴-  گزینه ۳ درست است.

تکه کاغذ روی زمین ———-.

۱( یک تکه کاغذ تحریر بود

۲( یادداشتی از طرف مرد ثروتمند بود

۳( یک صورت حساب برای اطاق در مهمان خانه بود

۴( یک صفحه کاغذ برای شماره تلفن ها ب

نظرات شما